You are currently viewing 6 quick tips for keeping your passwords safe

6 quick tips for keeping your passwords safe

<1 min read

Follow these 6 quick tips for keeping your passwords safe:

  1. Your passwords should be complex and difficult to guess. Ideally, they should be at least 10 characters long and should have capital letters, small letters, numbers and special characters e.g: $amaiRah-446
  2. It may be a good idea to write your passwords on a piece of paper. But keep that paper hidden and safe.
  3. Do NOT share your passwords with anyone.
  4. Do NOT email your passwords to anyone.
  5. Do NOT respond to an email asking for your password.
  6. Do NOT use your passwords at public computers as these may be infected with keyloggers, Trojans, and other malware and your password could get stolen.


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