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11 tips for safe social media usage

1 min read

Follow these 11 tips for safe social media usage:

  1. Remember that everything you post on a social networking site may be permanent and available to the world FOREVER – photos, text, videos, etc.
  2. Your personal information may be misused by hackers, stalkers, and criminals. Think before you post or share anything.
  3. Choose your social networks carefully e.g. LinkedIn for professional use, Facebook, or Instagram for personal use.
  4. While creating an account, the site may ask for answers to hint questions. NEVER give answers that others know or can guess.
  5. Be cautious when you click links in messages from your online ‘friends’ or connections.
  6. Think before accepting friend or connection requests from people who you don’t know in real life.
  7. Think and research before installing third-party applications.
  8. Explore and use the privacy and security settings on your social networks.
  9. Photos clicked using a smartphone may have geo-location embedded. Remove this data before posting/sharing the photo.
  10. If someone is harassing, bullying, or threatening you, remove them from your “friends” list, block them, and report them to the site administrator and the police.
  11. Your passwords should be complex and difficult to guess. Ideally, it should be at least 10 characters long and should have capital letters, small letters, numbers and special characters e.g: $amaiRah-446


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