Intellectual Property Law Quiz

Q1. For Omega, the watch brand, to be called a Swiss watch, what percentage of the manufacturing cost must occur in Switzerland.
Q2. Which global protection treaty protects micro-organisms under patents?
Q3. The Madrid Protocol allows one fee payment for applying for trademark protection in how many countries?
Q4. Which form of intellectual property are Naga Chillies?
Q5. A decentralized autonomous organization owns a copy of an unpublished manuscript of purchased at 2.66 million euros. They can now make a mini series on it since they own the copyright.
Q6. The first ever patent granted to an artificial intelligence was in...
Q7. Which global IP protection system protects designs in multiple countries?
Q8. Software code is protected in India under
Q9. The famous perfume, Chanel No. 5, would be granted a smell mark.
Q10. Sid makes an original layout design of an integrated circuit, completely different from any other integrated circuit in the market. He then sells it in Europe to test the market. Sid can be protected under the Indian Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design Act.